Email Lists & More

Email Lists

Over 35 million business-to-business records in our contacts database. Thirty-plus major industries as follows: Information Technology Users, Healthcare Industry, Logistics & Supply Chain, Advertising Industry, Aerospace Industry, Agriculture, Automotive Industry, Aviation, and Aerospace Industry, Banking and Finance Sector, Business Services, Call Center, Construction, Education Industry, Event Organizers Industry, Finance & Banking, Fitness Spa Clubs, Food and Beverage Industry, Geospatial Industry, Hospitality Leads List, Insurance, Insurance Industry, Manufacturing Industry, Media & Broadcast, Medical Device, Mining, Oil & Gas Industry, Retail Industry, Retail Trade, Semiconductor, Technology Users, Telecom Industry, Transportation & Public, Utility Industry, Wholesale Industry.


Tell us about your requirements, your target audience and your email marketing campaign’s objective.  We can help.

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Custom Built Lists

Email marketing is an efficient and cost-effective way to reach out to a target audience with your products and services. However, an essential requirement of email marketing success is the right list.

If we do not have exactly the right list you need, we can build one for you!

All we need to know are some specifics about your ideal business-to-business customers, the job titles you are trying to reach and the geographic location and we can have your custom built list ready pretty fast.

With over 35 million business-to-business contacts in our database and a vast array of sources, we can build just about any custom list you may require.

Want to start a project with us?

E-Mail Campaigns

Don’t have time to do email campaigns yourself?

No problem!

We can do it for you.  Just give us some details about the email campaign you would like done and we will get a free quote out to you.

We will then work with you to get your campaign tailored exactly the way you want it and get it launched in a timely manner. 

Want to start a project with us?