Email Campaigns – How to Get the Best Results

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We’re all guilty of ignoring emails and discarding them entirely because they were either spam or unappealing. So what can you do to make sure that you are effectively grabbing your audience’s attention and keeping the content of your email relevant and exciting?

Are you sending out emails and getting no response from your clients? There’s a chance that they might have not even opened those emails, unsubscribed, or deleted them. And you don’t even know the reason behind it.

Email marketing is, to date, one of the most potent and effective marketing tools to engage in direct communication with your clients and prospects. It provides prospects the opportunity to reach out to you and harnesses long-term relationships with existing clients because they know you are just an email away.

Let’s find out what you can do to make the most of your email marketing campaigns.

3 Ways to Get the Best Results for your Email Campaigns

1.      Email Lists

Email marketing pays off in growing and sustaining business in the digital marketing sphere, especially in the long run. Email marketing gives the highest ROI – Return on Investment compared to any other marketing method making it one of the cheapest ways to interact with customers. To do email marketing requires email addresses, and the campaign cannot run without them.

So collecting these addresses and creating email lists is pertinent to the success of the campaign. Finding the best email list for your campaign could be slightly time-consuming, but you can find reliable data providers online to customize lists for you or even build one in-house. Besides ROI being a solid reason, the following are more reasons why you should prioritize building lists for your campaign: 

·         Personalization

Collecting organic emails means the customer or prospect visited your website or read your blog and is interested in knowing more about the business. So looking at which area the customer was more interested in, you can personalize the emails accordingly.

·         Professionalism

Sending out emails is still considered the most professional form of correspondence to date. There is nothing that beats it, especially not social media. With in-built calendars and other features, it only gets better with time. You can reach out to your clients and customers via email without them ever feeling uncomfortable.  

·         Buyer Personas

You will have multiple buyer personas in your email list at different stages of the buying cycle. It will help you understand their behaviors better and formulate content according to their personalities and matching traits.

2.      Email Segmentation

It almost seems that anyone venturing into email marketing is already aware that email segmentation is a huge part of it. But many marketers tend to overlook this critical factor because of a lack of understanding and how it can significantly impact the outcome.

One of the probable reasons for not considering segmenting emails could be that your existing methods work well; while it can be challenging to learn something new, you must do it because it will help you get the best results.

Email segmentation is not just learning about a new tactic; it is about discovering a whole new level for improving your campaign results. Long gone are the days when businesses shoot mass emails, hoping people will read just about anything.

Email segmentation can be done in concordance with previous campaigns, existing customer databases, and different visitor types on your website, social media pages, and blogs, etc. Email lists will be created in segments according to the relevancy of the campaign to the potential client or prospect.

The benefits of email segmentation are undeniable because it is the fastest way to provide highly relevant and personalized content that will connect with the audience of your email list. You can generate unlimited conversions, clicks, and engagement, and it does not matter which business you are operating in; you can reap the benefits and update your digital marketing strategy.

·         Self-segmentation

A relatively new concept in email segmentation is self-segmentation which helps you increase engagement rates on the emails you have sent out to prospects and clients. This approach allows your subscribers to place themselves in a segment of their liking.

3.      Track your data

As a marketer, tracking the email analytics of your campaign can often be challenging. But, following how well your email marketing campaigns are performing in aggregate is crucial to your campaign because of the following reasons:

·         Time efficiency

By measuring email marketing performance, you can compare the results of different platforms like social media, website and content syndication, etc. It will help you channel your focus into building strategies and tactics that are goal and result-oriented rather than time and money-oriented. Consequently, saving so much time, effort, and resources and obtaining maximum results efficiently.

·         Long term approach

Email marketing campaigns were previously centered on being a one-off or campaign-to-campaign basis. But when you understand that analytical trends play such an important role, one campaign’s success will likely be connected to the resulting success of another one. If you only focus on one campaign and negate past results, you will measure growth at different times and miss out on valuable insights that could impact the results.

The practical approach is to reflect on the engagement strategies you used to acquire results in previous campaigns and, if they were successful, how they can be implemented in this campaign. And if they were not successful, how to avoid repeating the same mistakes. It will inform your decisions by generating better results and long-term solutions. 

In conclusion, email campaigns prove to be one of the most measurable marketing tools your business can completely utilize to achieve the best results.

We covered how you can create and collect email addresses to form lists, segment those lists to make content more relevant, and track data to optimize the process with the help of analytics and other tools.

Clifford Woods

Marketing Results International